Commission status: Open

Saito Ryou Art | Gvenviel

Hey! I'm Saito Ryou aka Gvenviel, a freelancer providing arts,
Live2D models and rigging services.
I have a lot of experience rigging Vtuber models. On my website you can view my portfolio, find out prices, and contact me if you want to order a drawing.
Nice to meet you!

Calculate cost

Calculate the cost of your order, and please do not forget to send me a screenshot of your calculator.

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If you have already placed an order, then here you can view the status of your order fulfillment.

F.A.Q & Terms of Service

Here I will try to answer the most important
questions about your orders :)

For sale

Sale of ready-made models with rigging made by me.
To purchase, contact me.


There is nothing here at the moment

Frequently Asked Questions

When will you open the commissions? 
Will I receive the Live2D source file (.com3) in a live2D rig commission? 
Can the price be cheaper if I don't need something that includes in the base price? 
What kind of models do you like to rig for? 
What is Vbridger?VBridger is a face tracking plugin designed for Vtube Studio and Live2D, which allows the user to make better use of IphoneX ARKit tracking on their live2D model. View their products on steam: Vbridger on Steam

Terms of Service

Privacy Policy
Do not use my work for any type of AI learning.